What was the Roman achievement in architecture? Use specific examples that best illustrate Roman innovation.
Category: Art
Where does beys-relief sculpture (also referred to as relieve schistosomiasis) fit into the paragon between painting and sculpture?
Review the artworks presented in class lecture (located in left sidebar “Modules”) and answer the discussion prompts listed below. […]
Research 20th and 21st century Self Portraits. Why do 20th and 21st-century artists make drawings, paintings, sculptures, and/or photographs of themselves?
Research 20th and 21st century Self Portraits. Why do 20th and 21st-century artists make drawings, paintings, sculptures, and/or photographs of […]
What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your […]
Describe and discuss at least three specific case studies Oliver Sacks presents in his book “Musicophilia” which explores the myriad dimensions of our experience of and with music.
What goes on in human beings when they make or listen to music? What is it about music, that gives […]
Describe the aesthetic qualities of this artwork as to why it is pleasing to you, or beautiful to you.
Complete the following critical analysis in essay form: 1. Name either (choose only one) a contemporary painting, sculpture, movie, or […]
Write a 500-word description of your process and what you thought of the assignment you chose.
You will choose one of the Art Assignments on the PBS Art Assignment website and complete the assignment. You will […]
Describe the physical appearance of the work of art––carefully putting what you see into your own words.
1) Identify the work of art, telling me the name of the title of the work, the approximate date it […]
Write a note about how you would go about putting together a virtual art exhibiton of digital artits.
Virtual Art Exhibition of digital artists Write a note about how you would go about putting together a virtual art […]
Describe at least one design element and its support or detraction of the storytelling.
Watch this play and write a response to it while adhering to the guidelines below. Play: Peter and the starcatcher […]