Selecting a research topic formulating a problem statement, research question, and thesis statement/hypothesis. choosing a methodology & developing a brief […]
Category: Political Science
Compared with other factors, how important was the Holocaust in the establishment of Israel in 1948?Discuss
Compared with other factors, how important was the Holocaust in the establishment of Israel in 1948? Essay of 2500 words, […]
Hiley argues that British counter-intelligence success was achieved at a terrible, perhaps even unacceptable, cost in civil liberties. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Description 1,200 and 1,500 words subject: Hiley argues that British counter-intelligence success was achieved at a terrible, perhaps even unacceptable, […]
When and Why British prime ministers leave office”.Discuss
When and Why British prime ministers leave office”.Discuss
Why has there been no single party majority government in Ireland since 1977?Discuss
IRISH POLITICAL SYSTEM: Why has there been no single party majority government in Ireland since 1977?Discuss
Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?Discuss
France’s veiled islamophobia Instructions: approximately 500 words introducing 1. the topic, 2. Research puzzle or research question that will guide […]
What is the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on EU governance?Discuss
Politics – European Union: Politics and Policies Description One essay of 2000 words, counting for 40% of the module mark. […]
Identify necessary terms and concepts of intergovernmental relations as they relate to the pursuit of sustainability at the City level utilizing the case study of the City of Chelsea, Massachusetts.
Identify necessary terms and concepts of intergovernmental relations as they relate to the pursuit of sustainability at the City level […]
Apply concepts of energy justice, energy democracy, just sustainable energy transitions and their connection with interjurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability and management roles.
Climate Change and Energy Transition 1: Review module objectives.: Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy […]
How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing?
Vaccinations Explain the issue you chose. What happened/is happening with the issue? What are the sides of the argument? ▪ […]