Write your thoughts on the the TED talk, The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers. You will find the link to […]
Tag: TED talk
Explain the role of providing different affordances to children (you might have to do some searching).
1, Explain the role of providing different affordances to children (you might have to do some searching). What physical thing […]
As you watch the TED Talk, consider and address the following questions: How is gender “performed” every day and in social situations?
Nature, Nurture, and Gender Identity Sociologists and other social scientists have long been skeptical of biological explanations of social life, […]
Discuss what role you think technology should play in our lives and if time in front of our screens should be limited. Feel free to link to another video to support your statement.
Watch the TED talk video of Adam Alter found in the Module/Week 5 Reading & Study folder. Technology, specifically mobile […]
After watching the video above (Data Driven Healthcare), do you believe healthcare is too personal to be put on your phone, or is there a benefit to having health information so accessible?
View the following TEDx talk on Data Driven Healthcare (13 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3phCyMynos Define health informatics in your OWN WORDS, and […]
After watching the Ted Talk by John Trischitti, access the discussion forum and discuss your experience with learning how to read and write.
Discussion Details Composition Literacy Discussion Circle 0 Crystal Edmonds Aug 29, 2022 at 2:24 AM Instructions: After watching the Ted […]
Write a 2-page paper using the 5 references (attached) and TED talk (below) included about how to collaborate with a difficult co-worker.
Collaborating with Difficult Co-Workers Write a 2-page paper using the 5 references (attached) and TED talk (below) included about how […]
Discuss our reaction to this specific case – what is your take away and thoughts after watching the video?
1. Watch Ted talk: This Ted Talk is by Jennifer Thompson who was the victim of a sexual assault and […]
Provide one paragraph with your overall opinion about the three insights and do not use the same arguments stated previously.
Read Jenny Stuber’s views in the pdf (pages indicated below), watch the TED talk on ageism, and comment on at […]
Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks like” within society, who is affected by the social issue, and how they are affected.
Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience. Then address the […]